Install Notecase Pro on Droidian

Recently a friend reached out for help installing the excellent Notecase Pro on his new favorite mobile Linux distro, Droidian. It can be done, but a few extra steps are needed.

To do this, we’ll use the Raspberri Pi download for Notecase Pro. It’s a Debian based package built for aarch64, exactly what we need.

The Catch: It depends on OpenSSL 1.1, which still ships with Raspbian. Our cool Droidian ships with OpenSSL 3, with no pre-built packages I could find for 1.1.

So, at the time of writing, here’s what I did to compile OpenSSL 1.1 from source and get NCP up and running:

# Get Notecase Pro
sudo dpkg -i notecase-pro_4.7.1_arm64.deb
sudo apt --fix-broken install

# Build OpenSSL 1.1.0l
sudo apt install build-essential zlib1g-dev
gunzip -c openssl-1.1.0l.tar.gz |tar -vxf -
cd openssl-1.1.0l
./Configure linux-aarch64 --prefix=/usr/local/ssl --openssldir=/usr/local/ssl shared zlib
make -j$(($(nproc)+1))
sudo make install

Now update your library path:

sudo nano /etc/environment

# Add this:

Save & Reboot the phone. With any luck, Notecase Pro will now launch.